
Book review 2-8 'From curry to rice'

I read 'From curry to rice'. There are many foods in this book. We can see foods many different shapes and tastes. First, it begins with C. C Is curry. Curry is an Indian dish of meat, vegetables, etc. It cooked with hot spices, often served with rice. There are yellow, red, or green in curry taste. Next D is Doughnut. Doughnut is a small cake made of fried dough, usually in the shape of a ring or round and filled with small jelly, fruit, cream, etc. E is Eggplant. Eggplant is a soft sweet fruit that is full of small seeds and often eaten dried. G is Grapes. Grapes are small green or purple fruit that grows in bunches on a climbing plant. We call white grapes or black grapes. I like white grapes. H is Hamburger. Hamburger is finely chopped beef made into a flat round shape that is then fried, often served in a bread roll. We can take salad with the meat. I am Ice cream. Ice cream is a type of sweet frozen food make from milk, I like 31 ice creams. J is Jack fruit. Jack fruit is green and have a rough skin. K is Kiwi fruit. Kiwi fruit is a small fruit with thin hairy brown skin, soft green flesh and black seeds, originally from New Zealand. L is Lemon. Lemon is a yellow citrus fruit with a lot of sour juice. Slices of lemon and lemon juice are used in drink and cook. M is Mango. Mango is a tropical fruit with smooth yellow or red skin, soft orange flesh and a large stone. The story continued until R. R is rice. It is necessary for me to eat curry. (289 words) Total (10191 words)

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