
Book Review 1-9

I read this book ‘Rubbish’. The book tells us where our rubbish goes. When you put it in your rubbish bin, a track comes and takes it away. The track takes rubbish to a rubbish dump. Some rubbish rots but some things that people throw away last for a long time. Especially, foods can rot quickly at the rubbish dump. But banana skins and orange skins can take a long time to rot. Paper takes up to three month to rot. Apple cores rot away as quickly as paper. Plastic bottles do not rot away. They stay in the rubbish dump for a long time. It was amazing! Glass things do not rot away too. They stay there too. Food cans and drink cans will not rot for a long time. They stay there long time. Socks takes up to five years and shoes can take a lot longer to rot away than socks. Material is need for us to live. We can not live without them. But some materials can not rot. We have to digest them for future. (180 words)

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